A not for profit organization founded by Evangelist Queen Esther Agee Of Fort Worth, Texas. This organization was founded on her faith in God to help single mother's and their family grow in faith to living a successful life. QUEEN'S LIFE LINE is a way to resuscitate and bring back to life, hopes, dreams, goals, along with encouragement.
This ministry is faith based on the promised of God the Father through his son Jesus the Christ who died that we may live and live life more abundantly. QUEEN'S LIFE LINE is lending a hand up out of poverty through education programs, food pantries, budgeting class, work programs, counseling and spiritual life coaching," change your mind, change your life."
Evangelist Queen Agee's slogan.
"If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, but teach a man to fish they will eat for a life time."
Just feeding you and giving you a hand out is really not true help, the key is learning to rise above your circumstances and soar in greatness through knowledge with understanding, and know that you have hope.